Geographic points

A geographic point is one that has a latitude and a longitude. It may also include a height, but only if the height is an ellipsoid height. If you have a local, geoid or orthometric height, then you will need a both a GeographicPoint and a VerticalPoint and then to tie them together with a CompoundPoint.

A GeographicPoint can be constructed by calling GeographicPoint::create, which has the following signature:

public static function create(
    Geographic $crs,
    Angle $latitude,
    Angle $longitude,
    ?Length $height = null,
    ?DateTimeInterface $epoch = null
): GeographicPoint

For $crs use a Geographic3D CRS if you are supplying height, or a Geographic2D CRS if you are not.


use PHPCoord\CoordinateReferenceSystem\Geographic2D;
use PHPCoord\Point\GeographicPoint;
use PHPCoord\UnitOfMeasure\Angle\Degree;

// the Statue of Liberty in WGS84 (unknown date), traditional arguments, decimal degrees
$crs = Geographic2D::fromSRID(Geographic2D::EPSG_WGS_84);
$point = GeographicPoint::create(
    new Degree(40.689167),
    new Degree(-74.044444),

// the Statue of Liberty in WGS84 (2020-02-01), traditional arguments, string representation of degrees
$crs = Geographic2D::fromSRID(Geographic2D::EPSG_WGS_84);
$point = GeographicPoint::create(
    Degree::fromDegreeMinuteSecondHemisphere('40° 41′ 21″ N'),
    Degree::fromDegreeMinuteSecondHemisphere('74° 2′ 40″ W'),
    new DateTime('2020-02-01')

// the Statue of Liberty in WGS84 (unknown date), named arguments, decimal degrees
$crs = Geographic2D::fromSRID(Geographic2D::EPSG_WGS_84);
$point = GeographicPoint::create(
    latitude: new Degree(40.689167),
    longitude: new Degree(-74.044444),
    crs: $crs

// the Statue of Liberty in WGS84 (2020-02-01), named arguments, string representation of degrees
$crs = Geographic2D::fromSRID(Geographic2D::EPSG_WGS_84);
$point = GeographicPoint::create(
    latitude: Degree::fromDegreeMinuteSecondHemisphere('40° 41′ 21″ N'),
    longitude: Degree::fromDegreeMinuteSecondHemisphere('74° 2′ 40″ W'),
    epoch: new DateTime('2020-02-01'),
    crs: $crs

$latitude = $point->getLatitude(); // Angle
$longitude = $point->getLongitude(); // Angle
$height = $point->getHeight(); // Length|null
$epoch = $point->getCoordinateEpoch(); // DateTimeImmutable|null
$crs = $point->getCRS(); // Geographic2D|Geographic3D
$asString = (string) $point; // '(40.689167, -74.044444)'